Job Opportunities

Welcome to the Village of Romeoville Job Board. Here you will find job openings for the Village and job opportunities for local businesses. Instructions and additional information for the jobs are contained within each job posting. Subscribe to job posting notifications to be automatically alerted of the latest career opportunities by clicking on the Notify Me button.

To Post Local Job Opportunities:
Thank you for your interest in posting your open positions on our Job Board. To have your open positions (Romeoville only) posted on the Job Board, please complete and submit the required form by clicking here .

We strive to keep this information current. It is in your best interest to follow up with the business to verify the positions are still open before applying by calling, stopping by the location or visiting their website.


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  2. 2. Job Details This section is complete
  3. 3. Preview and Submit This section is complete

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After completing all the steps, click Preview to open a preview of your listing in a new window or click Proceed to Checkout where you can purchase the listing for the duration you specified.

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