Depending on the weather forecast, salting operations may begin in advance of a snow storm, otherwise it will begin shortly thereafter. Once called out for service, snow removal staff begin plowing and salting according to routes established to make optimum use of manpower, equipment and salt supplies. Because of their traffic function and posted speed limit, local arterial streets and collectors are plowed and salted with a higher priority than plowing on local side streets, dead ends, and cul-de-sacs.
In an effort to keep our residents safe and streets cleared during the winter, the Village of Romeoville has instituted a new snow parking ordinance. Read more on the Snow Parking Ordinance Page.
The Village's Public Works Department salts all Village streets. The main arterial and minor collector streets receive a full salting. The side streets, cul-de-sacs, and dead end streets receive a spot salting. Full saltings are also done in areas which pose a special safety hazard to motorists or pedestrians, such as school crossings, roadway curves and inclines.
Large ornamental rocks placed along the curb pose a significant safety hazard to snow removal equipment. Ornamental rocks adjacent to a curb are classified as a right-of-way obstruction and must be relocated to prevent serious damage to plow and salt trucks.

Residents who have a fire hydrant on their property are asked to remove snow from around the hydrant.

On garbage collection days, residents are asked to keep their refuse and recycling containers off of the street and curb line.

The Village's Public Works Department, like most suburban highway maintenance departments, utilizes angle plows to remove snow from the streets. The major advantage of an angle plow design is that it enables snow removal staff to rapidly and efficiently respond to a snow call out request. It is impossible with side angle plow design to prevent a windrow of snow from forming in front of a driveway entrance.

Though an inconvenience, curbside discharge of snow is a necessary trade-off of initiating a rapid response for snow removal service for our residents. Furthermore, we ask residents to refrain from shoveling the snow from their driveways back into the streets. Doing so can impede traffic flow and create a danger to motorists that increases the likelihood of injury and property damage. Snow redistribution on the street gets compacted and hardens into ice patches.

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