Partnering Schools & Businesses

The Village of Romeoville is working to foster a collaboration between schools, community and businesses to leverage resources.  The Program is to improve academic achievement, foster successful individuals, and enrich student experiences.   
Our business partners can play many roles within our community, such as guest speakers, job shadowing, mentorships, and internships.  These partnerships provide a unique experience for students as well as provide numerous benefits to our business leaders, such as:

  • Gives the opportunity to evaluate prospective employees virtually risk free.
  • Saves money since an intern receives less pay and fewer benefits than a full-time employee.
  • Brings new and innovative ideas to an employer.
  • Student volunteers can fill many needs within your businesses
  • Frees up existing staff time.
  • Allows the employer the opportunity to have an impact on molding the lives of students.

We have numerous opportunities throughout our educational system, both at the high school level as well as the many resources that are available through our local colleges. For more information, click here.

Request Forms

If you are a business and interested in a partnership, please  click here to fill out the request form.

If you are an educational institution and interested in a partnership, please  click here to fill out the request form.