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Advanced Fire Officer

  • Registration Fee

    Cost: - $1,300.00

Full Description

The Advanced Fire Officer course replaces the previous Fire Officer II program. The course has been correlated to NFPA 1021 Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and meets the IL OSFM requirements for certification. The Advanced Fire Officer typically functions in a supervisory/ managerial capacity with mid-level management responsibilities for multi-company operations.

The course will be delivered in three phases. Phase 1 & 2 are REQUIRED to meet the Education and Practical objectives. Both Phase 1 & 2 will be delivered in a traditional classroom setting. 

We will offer Phase 3 as an Elective to complete a student’s taskbook. If a student does not attend Phase 3, they will need to complete their taskbook at their organization after Phase 1 & 2 are complete. Students attending RFA Phase 1 & 2 will be given first opportunity to register for Phase 3 for taskbook completion.

All three phases must be completed in order. Phase1 & 2= $1,300.00; Phase 3 (Taskbook)= $500.00


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