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Company Fire Officer

  • Registration Fee

    Cost: - $1,300.00

Full Description

The Company Fire Officer Course replaces the previous Fire Officer I program. The course has been correlated to NFPA 1021 Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and meets the IL-OSFM requirements for certification. The Company Fire Officer typically functions in a supervisory capacity of a single or multi-company station at the first level of authority above firefighter. 

The course will be delivered in three phases. Phase 1 & 2 are REQUIRED to meet the Education and Practical objectives. Both Phase 1 & 2 will be delivered in a traditional classroom setting. 

We will offer Phase 3 as an Elective to complete a student’s taskbook. If a student does not attend Phase 3, they will need to complete their taskbook at their organization after Phase 1 & 2 are complete. Students attending RFA Phase 1 & 2 will be given first opportunity to register for Phase 3 for taskbook completion.

All three phases must be completed in order. Phase1 & 2= $1,300.00; Phase 3 (Taskbook)= $500.00


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