Meter Information

Replacement Water Meter Issuance Procedure

To request a replacement water meter, please follow the steps below:

  1. The Property owner or responsible party ("applicant") will complete the application for a replacement water meter online. Please click here to begin the application process.
  2. The application will be reviewed and approved by the Building Department and Public Works, typically within 24 to 48 hours. If additional information is needed, the applicant will be notified through their online account portal.
  3. Once the application is approved, the applicant will receive an email to proceed with the water meter fee payment.
  4. Once payment is complete, Public Works will approve the pickup of the new water meter from the Village of Romeoville Public Works Department at 615 Anderson Drive. The old water meter must be returned when picking up the replacement. Meters are available for pickup during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  5. The property owner or responsible party mist contact Public Works within 24 hours of the new water meter installation to schedule an appointment for programming the meter's antenna. To schedule the appointment, please call Public Works at 815-886-1870 during normal business hours.

Hydrant Meter Issuance Procedure

To obtain a hydrant meter to be used at a job site within the limits of the Village of Romeoville, please follow the following process:

  1. Contact the Village of Romeoville Public Works Department at 815-886-1870 to ensure the adequate meter is available for your use.
    • You will be required to provide the location of the site in which you will be using the meter
    • You will be required to provide the intentions the meter will be used for
    • You will be required to provide the estimated time frame the meter will be used for.
  2. The Superintendent of Utilities will give approval whether or not a meter may be used at each site. (Not all job sites will be eligible to have a hydrant meter issued, the alternative would be to fill a water truck at the Public Works facility)
  3. Once the approval has been received from the Water Superintendent, a Hydrant Meter Issuance Form needs to be completed and submitted to the Romeoville Public Works Department online. There is also a $500 deposit required. Please make check payable to the Village of Romeoville. (If the meter will be used for any length longer than 3 months, a new check will need to be provided to the Village of Romeoville every 3 months.)
  4. Once the work is completed at your job site, the meter should be returned to the Romeoville Public Works Department. At this time, the deposit check will be returned and the company will be invoiced for the water used on the meter.