Program Scholarships

Program scholarships are to assist families in need and are based on the availability of funds.  These scholarships are only available to Romeoville residents who can provide proof of income or eligibility of need (i.e. free/reduced school lunch program, IL Dept. of Public Aid recipient, most recent W-2 for all members living in household).  In addition, proof of Romeoville residency is also required.  Applications can be picked up at the Recreation Center and must be submitted during the registration period with supporting documentation.  Notification of scholarship approval will be provided after the registration period.  Scholarships will not provide 100% of program fees, do not pay for program supplies, and Day Camp, Contractual Programs, Creative Play Preschool, and Tiger Club Before and After School childcare programs are excluded.  Please contact the Recreation Center for more information at 815-886-6222.