Smoke Alarms - Residential

Smoke Alarms Save Lives

They provide the first warning of at least 60% of fires that start at night. The sooner the fire is discovered, especially during sleeping hours, the less destructive and deadly the consequences. This is why smoke alarms should never be ignored!

Are You Protected?

3 of every 5 home fire deaths result from fires in homes without working smoke alarms!

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside each sleeping area, and in every bedroom. The smoke alarm should be at least 4 inches from the nearest wall or high on the wall between 4-12 inches from the ceiling.
  • Placement: On the ceiling at least 4 inches from the nearest wall, between 4 - 12 inches from the ceiling, in open hallways or near sleeping areas, every room should have an alarm, but at least 1 on each floor. DO not place near a window or door where it can affect the operation of alarm.
  • Test smoke alarms monthlyby pushing the “test” button and listen for the alarm. 
  • Alarms don't last forever - remember to replace your smoke alarms every 10 years.
  • Plan and practice your escape route with your family at least twice a year.
  • If your smoke alarm does sound, leave the home immediately and call 9-1-1.
  • False Alarms: Have you ever disconnected the smoke alarm and/or took the battery out while you cooked? This is not recommended! When your alarm sounds because of cooking or repair work being done in the home, just open a window or wave a magazine under the alarm to stop it from sounding.

Click image for more on the NEW Illinois smoke alarm requirements:
