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Circus or Carnival License Application


  1. 1. Step One (current) This section is complete This section is incomplete
  2. 2. Type of Application This section is complete This section is incomplete
  3. 3. Sponsoring Organization This section is complete This section is incomplete
  4. 4. Types of Activities This section is complete This section is incomplete
  5. 5. Electronic Signature This section is complete This section is incomplete
  6. 6. Office Use Only This section is complete This section is incomplete
  • Step One



    2. Description:
      Please fill out this form to apply for a circus or carnival license.

    Type of Application

    1. Which type of application are you applying for? *

    Sponsoring Organization

    Types of Activities

    1. Types of Activities (Check appropriate lines) *

    Electronic Signature

    1. Applicant acknowledges receipt of a copy of Romeoville Ordinance No. 1033-88 and agrees to furnish evidence of compliance with all provisions of said Ordinance prior to the starting date of said event and the licenses to be provided herein shall be granted only upon proof of full compliance with said Ordinance. *
    2. I hereby acknowledge that *
    3. By typing your name into this field you authorize the Village of Romeoville to consider this an electronic signature.

      Approval is the sole discretion of the Village of Romeoville

    Office Use Only

    1. Leave This Blank:

    2. This field is not part of the form submission.

    * indicates a required field