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Hydrant Meter Issuance


  1. 1. Step One (current) This section is complete This section is incomplete
  2. 2. Contact Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  3. 3. Hydrant Meter Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  4. 4. Electronic Signature This section is complete This section is incomplete
  • Step One


    2. Instructions:
      If meter is to be used for more than 3 months, we will require a new deposit check be issued every 3 months until the meter is returned. (Notice will be sent prior to expiration of the set time period). Once the meter is returned to our office, in the same condition it was issued, the deposit check will be returned and your company will be invoiced for water usage.

    Contact Information

    Hydrant Meter Information


      1.) Install hydrant meter to side port of fire hydrant. Make sure the meter gate valve is closed completely.

      2.) Slowly open hydrant. Make sure the hydrant is opened all the way, this will prevent hydrant from leaking and prevent the hydrant from freezing.

      3.) Slowly open the gate valve on meter, this will eliminate damage to the meter and the water system.

      4.) When finished slowly shut the gate valve on meter, and then slowly shut off hydrant.

      5.) Do NOT use a pipe wrench to operate the fire hydrant.

      If meter is to be used for more than 3 months, we will require a new deposit check be issued every 3 months until the meter is returned. (Notice will be sent prior to expiration of the set time period). Once the meter is returned to our office, in the same condition it was issued, the deposit check will be returned and your company will be invoiced for water usage.

    Electronic Signature

    1. I understand and agree to comply with all the terms listed above.
    2. I hereby acknowledge that *
    3. By typing your name into this field you authorize the Village of Romeoville to consider this an electronic signature.

      Approval is the sole discretion of the Village of Romeoville
    4. Leave This Blank:

    5. This field is not part of the form submission.

    * indicates a required field