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VOR-TV Talent Release Form


  1. 1. Step One (current) This section is complete This section is incomplete
  2. 2. Contact Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  3. 3. Electronic Signature This section is complete This section is incomplete
  • Step One


    2. Description:
      I the undersigned do hereby grant the Village of Romeoville Television, hereafter known as (VOR-TV), the complete and entire right to use my image, likeness, voice, biographical information and any material supplied by me for the purpose of live or video-taped programming, publicity and/or promotion, but not as direct endorsement of any product or service.

    Contact Information

    1. Fill in this field if the contact name is different from the Program/Talent name

    Electronic Signature

    1. Please Review:
      I the undersigned do hereby grant the Village of Romeoville Television, hereafter known as (VOR-TV), the complete and entire right to use my image, likeness, voice, biographical information and any material supplied by me for the purpose of live or video-taped programming, publicity and/or promotion, but not as direct endorsement of any product or service.

      It is understood and agreed that VOR-TV's use of my appearance and/or the material supplied by me will not violate the rights of any person or organization(s) and will not incur any liability for payment to any persons or organization(s). I do further release and hold harmless VOR-TV, its staff and membership, the Village of Romeoville and the media outlet provider against any liability and expenses (including attorney fees) incurred by any of the above mentioned parties with respect to any claim that my words, actions or any material supplied by me violate the right of any person or organization(s).

      In addition it is understood and agreed that VOR-TV retains all rights and ownership of said production media, and may cablecast or edit as determined by the representative(s) of the Village of Romeoville Television.
    2. Posting to social media *

      VOR-TV would like to post your concert to social media such as YouTube, in addition to playing it on our cable station.  Please let us know if we have your permission to do that.

    3. I hereby acknowledge that *
    4. By typing your name into this field you authorize the Village of Romeoville to consider this an electronic signature.

      Approval is the sole discretion of the Village of Romeoville
    5. Leave This Blank:

    6. This field is not part of the form submission.

    * indicates a required field