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VOR-TV Volunteer Information Form


  1. 1. Step One (current) This section is complete This section is incomplete
  2. 2. Contact Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  3. 3. Emergency Contact Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  4. 4. Electronic Signature This section is complete This section is incomplete
  • Step One


    2. Note:
      Please note that by filling out this form you are giving the Village of Romeoville Television(VOR-TV) permission to contact you about future events that crew members may be needed for. You are not obligated to participate in any event.

    Contact Information

    Emergency Contact Information

    1. Please provide an emergency contact name
    2. Please provide an emergency contact phone number

    Electronic Signature

    1. Please Review:
      Please note that by filling out this form you are giving the Village of Romeoville Television(VOR-TV) permission to contact you about future events that crew members may be needed for. You are not obligated to participate in any event.

      VOR-TV respects your privacy. Your information will not be shared with anyone for any reason without your permission.
    2. I hereby acknowledge that *
    3. By typing your name into this field you authorize the Village of Romeoville to consider this an electronic signature.

      Approval is the sole discretion of the Village of Romeoville
    4. If you are under the age of 18, VOR-TV will need your parent or guardians information.
    5. If it is different from the address above
    6. Leave This Blank:

    7. This field is not part of the form submission.

    * indicates a required field