
The process of selecting a new water source is complex and needs to consider a number of variables. The following were weighed when researching alternate solutions. 

  • Cost
  • Raw water quality
  • Sustainability/water quantity
  • Implementation risk
  • Operation & maintenance
  • Control (governance)

We began by evaluating alternate water sources. They include: our current water system,  our current water system with advanced water treatment, Lake Michigan/DuPage, Lake Michigan/Regional, Lake Michigan/Illinois American Water, Lake Michigan/Direct, Lake Michigan via Indiana (Joliet eliminated), Lake Michigan water via Joliet line (eliminated by City of Chicago), Kankakee River, DesPlaines River, and Illinois River.

These were presented to the Romeoville Village Board in a presentation on October 20, 2021. You can view that presentation here

Posters_Water Public Hearing_Alternate

These were presented to the Romeoville Village Board in a presentation on October 20, 2021. You can view that presentation here

On November 17, 2021, the sources were narrowed down to the DuPage Water Commission , the Regional Water Commission (Joliet) , and the Northern Will County Water Agency / Illinois American Water Company . The narrowing down of the options was presented to the Romeoville Village Board in this presentation. 

A resident group meeting was held on January 20, 2022. You can view the presentation here.

A public open house was held on February 9, 2022.You can view the presentation here.

Village of Romeoville staff and consultants presented their recommendation to the Village Board to join the Regional Water Commission as the source for Lake Michigan water on February 16, 2022. You can view the presentation here.