Preventing Sanitary Sewer Backups

Property owners can do many things to prevent their sewer service from backing up. These tips can help to prevent backups in the main sewer line as well. If everyone would be careful about how they dispose of certain products, our systems would be a great deal more efficient, cause fewer backups, cost us all less money to maintain, and prevent a lot of distress.

We are asking for resident's cooperation to review the listing of items below and refrain from discarding any items other than toilet paper/bathroom tissue through the sanitary sewer system.

"Flushable" Paper Products

Paper towels, disposable cloth diapers, "Swiffer" and other floor cleaning pads, sanitary or baby wipes, feminine products and applicators, and dental floss are all examples of items that should be discarded in the garbage, not flushed down the toilet. Although some of these products may be labeled "flushable" on the package, they do not deteriorate as does toilet paper and bathroom tissue. They will become lodged in the service lines, main lines, and pumps and cause sewer backups.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Village of Romeoville, Department of Public Works at 815-886-1870.