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Personal Safety
Safety While Traveling
Before leaving make sure the house “lived in” with the following tips:
- Hide empty trash cans
- Put lights on timers, including a T.V.
- Stop mail delivery or have friend/neighbor pick it up daily and keep lawn mowed or snow shoveled
- Leave blinds in a normal position
- Leave a key with a trusted friend/neighbor
- Store valuables in a safe deposit box
- Tell a neighbor or friend your departure date and return date and leave them an itinerary with a phone number you can be reached at
- Put house on police vacation check
- Lock all doors and windows
- Carry a minimum amount of cash. Use travelers checks and credit cards, but keep a record of their numbers in a separate and safe place with the numbers to call if they do get lost/stolen
- Keep careful tabs on your travel tickets. Carry them in an inside pocket, not protruding from a jacket or bag
- If driving, plan your route carefully. Stay on main roads and use maps have your car and tires serviced before leaving.
- Don’t tell strangers about your vacation plans
- Always keep car locked when parked and valuables with you inside
- Never pick up hitchhikers
- If you stop overnight, take all luggage and valuables with you inside
- If you are in a foreign country, learn the words for "police officers" and "doctors" or "hospital." Also know the location of the nearest U.S. Consulate
- Use all locking devices on door
- Know who’s knocking before opening door
- Never leave cash, credit card or keys in room, take them with you
- Inventory your belongings daily
- Report suspicious people to management immediately
- Learn about your surroundings. Ask local residents about problem areas and avoid them
- Choose reputable guided tour only
- Make sure your children know the name/address and telephone number of hotel
- Avoid advertising that you’re a tourist by your dress
- If older children go off on their own, have them stick to prearranged meeting times