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ADA Transition Plan Public Survey

  3. Description:
    The Village of Romeoville is conducting an Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan to determine steps to ensure inclusion and access for people with disabilities.
    Your feedback will help the Village develop an ADA Transition Plan that will guide the planning and implementation of future program and facility modifications.

    Note: In this context, “accessibility” means “your access to Village properties, services, programs in existing buildings and for equitable participation in Village programs, services and activities.
  4. Street Accessibility
    What areas do you think the Village needs improvements? (Select all that apply)
  5. Facilities, Bus Stops, Parking Accessibility:
    What areas do you think need improvements? (Select all that apply)
  6. Programs and Services
    What areas do you think need improvements? (Select all that apply)
  7. Community Services and Facilities
    What type of classes or resources might you find helpful? (Select all that apply)
  8. Physical Access Improvents
    Which should be the highest priority to improve physical access in the Village of Romeoville? (Please rank: 1-7 with 1 as the most important.)
  9. Communication
    What are the most effective ways to publicize information on the upcoming events, announcements, projects, or general information about the ADA Transition Plan? (Select all that apply)
  10. Training
    Do you think there are areas where ADA and disability sensitivity training are needed?
  11. Tell Us About You
  12. I am related to an individual that has functional needs or disabilities affecting: (Mark all that apply)
  13. I am a Romeoville resident:
  14. My Age:
  15. I am a Veteran:
  16. I would like to be contacted by a Village of Romeoville staff member.
  17. Leave This Blank:

  18. This field is not part of the form submission.

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