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Filming in the Community


  1. 1. Step One (current) This section is complete This section is incomplete
  2. 2. Contact Information This section is complete This section is incomplete
  3. 3. Film Details This section is complete This section is incomplete
  4. 4. Village Services This section is complete This section is incomplete
  5. 5. Sample Filming Notice This section is complete This section is incomplete
  6. 6. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY This section is complete This section is incomplete
  • Step One


    2. Instructions:
      Complete this form in order to provide details of the film project.

    Contact Information

    Film Details

    1. Type of Production:
    2. Does the Project Require Street Closure?
    3. If yes, what type of closure?

    Village Services

    1. We will coordinate the scheduling of all required Village personnel listed below. NO PARKING SIGNS: List streets to be used for filming and production vehicle staging (no crew cars). Per permit approval, these areas will be posted as “No Parking” zones. Be specific: include the exact street address, side of the street, and start/end time.
    3. Please indicate the amount requested of each of the below personnel:
    4. (Special detail rate may apply.)
    5. (Special detail rate may apply.)
    6. (Special detail rate may apply.)
    7. Will there be special effects/pyrotechnics?
    8. It is the producer’s responsibility to properly notify and leaflet neighboring residents and/or businesses. Leaflets should provide pertinent details and must be listed on Company letterhead including a business address and contact phone number.

      - Filming Notice to be listed in the heading (see sample)

      - Production Company/Project Title

      - Dates/Times

      - Locations where no parking signs will be posted

      - Traffic Restrictions – list any street closures

      - Notification of Special Effects or Weapons on Set (if any)

      - Production Company Contact Name, Cell Phone Number and Email Address

      Notification should be with as much notice as possible prior to your shoot with a minimum 48 hours. Notices should be provided to nearby businesses, residential properties and cars parked in the permitted area. It is the full responsibility of the Production Company to ensure proper notification.

    Sample Filming Notice

    1. Dear Residents & Business Owners:

      (Production Company Name) will be filming scenes for the (series/movie/commercial) titled (Project Name) in your neighborhood on: (Project Date)

      In order to park essential vehicles and equipment, streets in your area will be posted as a NO PARKING/TOW ZONE during the following dates/times: (Date) (Time) (Location) (Please include details of street closures, alternative parking, and/or special effects)

      If you have any questions, concerns or special needs, PLEASE CONTACT: Location Manager On-Site Coordinator (Name) (Office Phone Number) (Cell Phone Number)

      Permits and traffic control, if required, are being coordinated by VOR-TV and the Romeoville Police Department. We will NOT block driveways, loading zones, fire hydrants, bus stops or disabled parking zones.

      If you have any additional questions regarding this filming, you may also contact Dawn Caldwell, Assistant Village Manager at 815-886-7200.

      We look forward to filming in your neighborhood and thank you for your cooperation.


    1. Notification should be sent to all departments.
    2. Is refuse pick-up affected by the filming?
      If so, contact Administration at 815-886-7200.
    3. Has provider been contacted?
    4. Village Manager 

    5. Police Department 

    6. List all Village services that were provided.
    7. Leave This Blank:

    8. This field is not part of the form submission.

    * indicates a required field