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Community Policing Programs
A fundamental philosophy of the Romeoville Police Department is to reduce crime by enhancing our relationship with the citizens we serve. One way of working toward our common goal of crime reduction is to maintain easy communication access to the Police Department by our residents. All police agencies rely on information given to them to investigate crimes. To enhance this communication effort, we are offering a method by which residents can communicate via email directly and confidentially. Click here to complete and submit the Contact Us form.
You can also click here to send an email directly to the Community Oriented Policing Division to find out about programs, presentations, and information regarding Code Enforcement, and the Crime Free Housing ordinance.
Alarm Systems
By ordinance, all alarm systems must be registered with the Village. There are penalties for not registering your alarms system with the Village.
Citizens & Youth Police Academy
The Citizens Police Academy class gives students a basic understanding of current police practices in a wide range of areas. The Youth Police Academy allows teenagers 15-18 to explore the exciting career of law enforcement.
Crime Prevention
The Police Department provides reasonable advice and through public programs and educates residents in current methods of crime prevention ranging from home security to child safety.
D.A.R.E. & G.R.E.A.T. Programs
D.A.R.E. teaches children basic decision making skills and how to effectively deal with peer pressure in order to stay away from drugs.
Gun Lock Giveaway
The Romeoville Police Department, in conjunction with the Operation Child Safe, is giving away free gun locks.
Resident Medical Program
The Resident Medical Program is a free service, maintained by the Romeoville 911 dispatch center, attempts to identify and register individuals with special needs stemming from life-threatening medical conditions, significant physical or cognitive impairments, or extra-ordinary medical requirements.
Senior Advisory Council
The purpose of this council is to address concerns raised by senior citizens within the village.
Social Services
The Romeoville Police Department offers free of charge, counseling services to residents.
Special Needs Database
The Police Department has created a confidential database which contains the names, addresses, telephone numbers and other contact information of persons who are entered. This will allow the Police to reunite lost individuals with their families in a timely manner and prevent unnecessary lengthy detentions.
Unwanted Vehicle Tow Program
If a resident has a vehicle that is operable or non-operable and has the vehicle title, they may sign ownership of the vehicle over to a designated tow company.
Vacation Checks
If a resident goes away on vacation a police officer can check their home up to three times per day to make sure it remains secure.