Avoid carrying large amounts of cash, pay with a check or credit card when possible
If you carry a wallet, keep it in front pants pocket or coat breast pocket
If you carry a purse, keep it close to your body, in front of yow where you can see and cover the clasp or flap with your hand or forearm
Never flaunt your money or expensive jewelry
Walk confidently and be alert, notice who passes you and who is behind you. Be especially mindful of pickpockets on crowded buses, trains, and among crowds of holiday shopper
Never over burden yourself with packages-being loaded down may make it difficult for you to keep track of your purse or wallet or to respond to a personal threat
Park in a well lit space and always lock the door, close windows and lock packages in trunk
Watch your credit card during transactions to make sure it’s used to print only one slip. Tear up carbons on credit card receipts.