Department Presentations

The Community Oriented Policing Division provides presentations to residents and businesses on the following topics.
For more information about the presentations below, p lease email Sergeant M atthew Nelson or call him at 815-886-7219, ext. 3086.. 

Burglary Prevention

The Romeoville Police Department can give presentations on the prevention of vehicle, residential and commercial burglaries. Current trends in burglaries are covered and reasonable advice is given to prevent the theft of your property.

Identity Theft Prevention

Presentations are geared toward protecting your private information. Methods used by criminals to obtain your information is also discussed as is how to protect your credit records.

Senior Citizen Safety

Presentations are designed towards the concerns of senior citizens. Topics covered are personal safety, as well as property safety and senior abuse.

Child Safety

This presentation is restricted to private organizations that are youth related. Topics covered are “stranger danger,” personal safety, bicycle safety and when to report incidents to parents/police.

Training for Intervention Procedures (Tips)

TIPS is a certification course offered to business establishments within the village that possess liquor licenses. TIPS covers topics such as civil liability, detecting alcohol intoxication and the responsibilities of businesses that possess liquor licenses. An exam is given to the participants and a passing score is required to be TIPS certified.