Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant flushing will run Monday, April 7th through Friday, May 30th .Flushing will take place Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning on the West side of Weber Road and progress eastward. Flushing signage will be placed near the areas we are flushing on a daily basis to keep the public informed of our progress.

There are two reasons for the flushing of fire hydrants. One is to remove naturally occurring sediments that settle in the bottom of water mains. The second is to verify the proper operation of fire hydrants. Discolored water may be drawn into your home or business if it is used when we are flushing or immediately after flushing. The discolored water comes from the minerals and deposits that are dislodged during the flushing process. The discolored water is NOT harmful to drink, but it could cause laundry stains. If you notice discolored water, run your water for several minutes until it is clear before doing any laundry. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Romeoville Public Works at (815)-886-1870. 
Hydrant Flushing Map