Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies

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Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies

The Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies® program for wounded, ill or injured military personnel was created to provide a way of transitioning back into the community as a civilian, through fitness. The program offers: two, FREE one-year memberships to the Fit 4 Life Fitness Center located  at 900 W Romeo Rd; one for the veteran and one for a workout partner of their choice. Also includes up to 15 FREE personal training sessions, networking opportunities, monthly socials and support. 

 Veterans must meet the following qualifications which must be verified:

  • Honorable/medical discharge - DD214
  • 10% disability rating or higher assigned by the VA
  • Disability rating applied for, in medical review, or under appeal
  • Non-service connected injury, note from your civilian doctor, or a general endorsement from a VA counselor, VOC/PVA representative

Call the Romeoville Recreation Center  at 815.886.6222 for additional details or to take a tour.

For more information about Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies go to: