
Village of Romeoville Ride Around Town

Romeoville's Ride Around Town offers rides to residents to locations within a 10-mile radius of Romeoville. Residents can utilize this service for various appointments, shopping or dining. Please call ahead, as space is limited. Spots on bus are on a first come, first served basis. Fee varies based trip and number of stops. 

Hours: Monday - Thursday,  9:00AM. - 2:00PM
Last Appointment - 12:30PM
Phone: 815-886-6222

For complete Ride Around Town fees and rider responsibilities:

DuPage Township Dial-a-Ride

DuPage Township contracts with Pace Dial-a-Ride to help with transportation needs for seniors and Disabled within Township boundaries. This service provides door-to-door transportation within the township. You must call the Thursday before the week requested. Anyone riding the Pace Bus must apply for a card 3-4 weeks before they intend to ride on the bus.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Phone: 800-244-4410

More information:

Lockport Township Senior Transit System

Lockport Township Senior Transit System provides bus service to township residents within Lockport Township and to area health care facilities. The bus will come to your front door to pick you up. Call to schedule a pickup time. Reservations are required, 24 hour advance notice is preferred.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.Phone: 815-293-6320

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