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Commissions & Committees
To volunteer for a Commission or Committee, please click here to view the Policy Manual for Volunteers and Commissioners.
Conservation and Sustainability Committee
Downtown Redevelopment Commission
The Downtown Redevelopment Commission shall provide advice and comment to the Village Board on matters pertinent to the creation, growth and development of the downtown district within the Village of Romeoville.
Economic Development Commission
The mission of this Commission is to advise and recommend to the Mayor and Board of Trustees initiatives that continually improve the quality of life within the village by creating, promoting and supporting a business, educational and recreational environment that is diversified, vibrant and caring.
Ethics Commission
The main function of the Ethics Committee is to investigate, conduct hearing and deliberations, issue recommendations for disciplinary actions, impose fines in accordance with the Ethics ordinance and refer violations to the appropriate attorney for prosecution upon receipt of a signed and notarized written complaint.
Finance Committee
The committee discusses and reviews a number of topics pertaining the overall finances and financial health of the Village and activities of the Finance Department.
Fire & Police Commission
The Commission derives its power and authority from an Act of the General Assembly entitled, "Division 2.1 Board of Fire and Police Commissioners", of Chapter 65 of the Illinois Compiled Statute.
Fire Pension Board
The board reviews information about the Fire Pension.
Foreign Fire Insurance Board
The Board shall be responsible to make all necessary rules and regulations with respect to the conduct of its business (including but not limited to Board bylaws), the management of all funds paid to the Board, and the expenditure of such funds for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Village Fire Department.
Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission was created in order for adequate provisions to be made for the preparation of a comprehensive village plan for the guidance, direction, and control of the growth and development or redevelopment of the village and contiguous territory not more than 1.5 miles beyond the corporate limits and not included in any municipality.
Police Pension Board
The Police Pension Board manages investments and legal issues for the fund.
Senior Advisory Council
The purpose of this council is to address concerns raised by senior citizens within the village. Crime trends and prevention measures are discussed as well.
Special Events Commission
The purpose of the Commission shall be to serve as an advisory body generating ideas, suggestions and recommendations and to otherwise assist in creating, planning and conducting special events within and for the village.
Veterans Commission
The purpose of the Commission shall be to recognize the contribution of residents of the Village who have served in the armed forces of the United States; to assist veterans in preserving their rights in obtaining benefits from various governmental agencies by cooperating with the agencies for the benefit of the veterans; and to educate the citizenry as to the accomplishments and contributions of veterans.
Village Board of Trustees
The Village Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Village of Romeoville.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The board reviews and makes judgments on zoning appeals.