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Connect With The Village
The Village of Romeoville is committed to providing several ways for residents to stay connected with us and be informed of pertinent information:
Notify Me
Users can select a list of topics and calendars to follow. They will be alerted by email or text when something new is added to anything they follow. Click here to sign up.
Smart Messaging
Romeoville’s Smart Messaging system notifies you about emergency situations in addition to road closures and water main breaks. There will also be occasional reminders for some of Romeoville’s larger community events.
You can choose your notification method: home phone, work phone, cell phone, text message, or email address. Because the system allows the village to send out messages based on a specific geographic area and because other communities in Will County are using the same system, you can choose to receive notifications for multiple addresses. Perhaps you’d like notifications that affect your home, your work, and where your parents live (as long as all three are in Will County).
To sign up for Smart Messaging, click here.
Social Media
Romeoville has several social media outlets:
- Like us on Facebook (facebook.com | Village of Romeoville)
- Follow us on X (twitter.com | @RomeovilleToday)
- Follow us on Instagram (@villageofromeoville)
- Join our Network on LinkedIn (linkedin.com | Village of Romeoville)
- Watch our videos on YouTube (youtube.com | Village of Romeoville Television)
- Watch VOR-TV on Comcast Channel 6 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99